Sunday, April 17, 2011

Electroetch Workshops

Electroetch is the most Eco Friendly method of etching.
By applying a direct current from a power supply to two metal plates in parallel in a solution of the salt of the metal. The plate connected to the positive charge (Anode) corrodes while the plate connected to the negative charge (cathode) becomes plated.

One advantage of the electroetch technique is that the metal salt solution never weakens but remains at the same concentration. By using the same concentration in the electrolytic solution, the same time, and same voltage, the printmaker is able to produce a consistent bite.
Another unique property of the technique is that electroetching focuses & corrodes the sides of the crystal of the metal. This allows the ink to hold better than in an acid etched line creating a richer tone. To obtain tones like aquatint, you have simply to leave bare areas of metal. Electrolysis causes a rugged surface which will hold the ink like an aquatint.

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